Intrigued by the power of positive self-talk, words and their impact on our lives? Our self-talk often shapes our reality more than we realise. Guided by insights from thought leaders like Mel Robbins, Jay Shetty, and Tony Robbins, this blog will deeply dive into how our unconscious mind processes language, how jokes can subtly harm, the importance of repetition, and why negativity fails us. Learn how to harness your inner narrative to unlock a world full of hope, kindness, and success. So, if your thoughts have ever held you back, keep reading - you might be your own solution.

Reason number 1: Our unconscious mind is impressive, taking in 96% of everything we do and say. It not only runs our body without us even having to think about it, but it also LOVES TO LISTEN AND SERVE US. I find it scary when I think of the narrative I sometimes have in my own head. No wonder I live the things I don’t want instead of what I want. This is because the unconscious mind will listen and give you what you want, even when it’s in your thoughts. Some of the most influential people around us, Mel Robbins, Jay Shetty, and Tony Robbins, all believe and focus on the words they use and how they speak to themselves. So next time you have those thoughts, remember who is listening.
Reason number 2: I love a good joke and usually make myself the butt of it. I love seeing friends and family giggling. But should it be at my own expense? A great lesson I learnt is that the unconscious mind takes everything personally, meaning it doesn’t know when you joke. This got to me, and I started to think of all the people I love and how they joke about themselves. The unconscious mind doesn’t understand if something is fake or real, so if we accept the dismissed comments, low jokes or sideswipes of ourselves and our friends, we are hurting the ones we love the most. So, I choose now to fill them up with love, support, kindness, kickass comments, and genuine awe, because, in the end, if no one else will and if we can’t be kind in our own heads, at least I can tell their unconscious mind how incredible they are!
Reason number 3: The unconscious mind loves a good pattern and needs repetition to create a habit. Lightbulb moment! So, this is why I keep getting the same shitty result. It’s because I keep saying the same shitty things! YES! Think about all the statements you might say on repeat. Maybe a couple is:
“I will never achieve X.”
“I am so bad with money.”
“I am such a bad X.”
“I can’t lose weight.”
“I can’t make any friends.”
“I suck at being a parent.”
“Everyone hates me at work.”
It’s no wonder the same pattern of behaviour keeps appearing. We are repeating the things we don’t want to our unconscious and creating a neuro-network of all these things. The Great Mentors of our time are always in check with their thoughts and goals; they make them work for them, repeat their dreams repeatedly, and repeat all the GOOD SHIT they want to achieve and guess what – they get it! The unconscious mind LOVES PATTERNS as much as it loves giving you what you ask for, so give it a repeated pattern that IS empowering and full of hope!
Reason number 4: This one is super funny! The unconscious mind cannot think in the negative. Don’t believe me? Try NOT to think of A PURPLE KANGAROO! You see, even for a split second, it popped up in your mind… maybe not a purple one, but a kangaroo was hopping about. This is super crazy because it is so easy to speak in the negative; ever ask someone what they want? The first thing they will say is all the things they don’t want! Try it… Even I find it challenging to stay out of the negative about myself or say a negative comment about someone (we all do it!) and to calm down crap feelings – these things come up.
But with knowledge comes wisdom and hopefully a sense of awareness of our thoughts and words. In the wise words of the good old days – if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything. I think they knew something then far beyond the study of the mind. They just knew that if you wanted good things to come your way, you needed to keep your thoughts clear, be kind and have empathy.
Let’s learn from them, shall we?